

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Google Buzz adds new comments and likes tab to profiles

If you opened Google Buzz today you would noticed a new feature added. The new features helps uses find all your posts much more easily and also posts you might have commented on. In all this is a new sharing experience launched by Buzz. Like their other roll-outs this one comes with the options to either use it or not. You can either click on the tab that says "Cool make these tabs public and visible on my profile" or you can choose "No thanks, keep these tabs only visible to me".

If at a later date you would like to change these settings you can always go the Buzz Settings and choose to have them private or public from there. Buzz that you mark private will always remain private. These new tabs and likes incorporate a much more social media friendly options and allow more interactivity.

As you can see from the image above you can choose your settings and make sure your followers can find all your stuff easily in one place. They do not have to hunt all over Buzz to find posts shared by you and your comments or Buzz that you have liked. 

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