Friday, July 9, 2010

Help FarmVille Pick a New Seeder

FarmVille New Seeder Poll
What do you think should be the next FarmVille Seeder vehicle? FarmVille is polling farmers on what they think the next seeder should be. The vehicle with the most votes will be the next FarmVille Seeder.

According to the official poll, you can chose from the following:

  • Firetruck

  • Semi Truck

  • Pickup Truck

  • Trolley

  • Minivan

  • Dump Truck

  • Cement Truck

From FarmVille Community Manager, Grimwell:

"Howdy farmers!

The FarmVille team is looking at options on what our next seeder should look like and would like your assistance!

Please take a look at the following options for new seeders and vote for your favorite. The vehicle that gets the most votes will win and find it's way into the game soon!" Source: 
Official FarmVille Forum

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.

An original post by


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