

Friday, July 2, 2010

How to adjust Photo Notifications Settings on Facebook

How to adjust your Facebook Photo Settings Notifications. If you are a person who uploads a lot of photos and gets a lot of comments or maybe you leave a lot of comments on friends photos. Whatever maybe the case you might want to stop receiving notifications every time someone comments on your photos or maybe comments on your photo comments. Facebook has provided settings that will help you control the flow of notifications each time there is photo related activity.
To adjust your photo notifications on Facebook you would need to
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on Account
3. Click on Account Settings
4. Click on Notifications
5. Scroll down to Photos

There you find all the available options. Simply Uncheck the box next to the option that you do not want to receive notifications for. The Options are

1. Tags me in a photo. This is an important one since you would like to keep an eye out on the photos you get tagged in. Remember what happens on vacations stays on Facebook. There is also mobile SMS alerts for this option
2. Tags one of my photos. Your friends can tag photos you uploaded. You might want to keep an eye on these tags.
3. Comments on my photos. If you want to be aware about the comments people leave on your photos. There is also a Mobile SMS alert available for this options.

4. Comments on a photo of me. Simple one would you like to be notified each time someone comments on a photo of you.
5. Comments on a photo after me. Use this option if you would like to know and read the comments people leave after you have commented on a photo.

6. When I upload a photo via Email. Once you have uploaded a photo you will get a notifications telling you your photo has been successfully uploaded.

7. Comments on my Photo Albums. Allows you to follow and track comments being posted on your Albums. Your friends on FB can leave comments on your photos as well as your albums.

8. Comments after me in a photo album. Use this option to get notified when someone leaves a comment after you have left a comment on a Photo album.

So you can choose to receive notifications or not. Simply uncheck the box beside the option that you do not want to receive notifications for.

An original post by


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