

Friday, July 16, 2010

How to Find the new Queen Bee on FarmVille

Beehives have been released on FarmVille but that elusive Queen Bee still cannot be easily found. The Queen Bee is acting like one. 

So how to find the Queen Bee

1. Keep an eye out on your Facebook wall chances are that one of your friends will find the Queen Bee and share it on their walls and therefore you will see the post and you can click on it to claim your Queen Bee. Be quick to click if you see someone giving away a free Queen bee. First come first served.

2. Purchase the Queen Bee from the open market place, she is found under the animals category and will cost 10 Farm Cash roughly $2

3. By harvesting flower crops on your farm or fertilizing flower crops on your neighbor's farms. This is a very hard and laborious way though. 

Once you find the Queen Bee you can find it in the gift box you can then take the bee out of there and place it in the hive. If you find an extra Queen Bee you can store it in your gift box or if you are generous you can share it with you friends. 

An original post by


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