

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to remove a friend on Facebook

This post is a simple guide on how to remove, delete, or get rid off someone as a friend on Facebook.

There are several reasons why people might want to do this. You accepted a friend request and then noticed that the person is doing nothing but spamming you. Someone you thought was a friend proved to be someone totally different. Some people on your friends list a fake's. There could be many reasons as to why you might want to remove someone off your friends list. 

It is fairy simple to get this task done.

How to remove from Friends list.

1. Login to Facebook
2. Find that person and click on their profile. (You can do this by searching for the person using the search bar on top, or go to your profile and click on your friends list. 
3. Click on this profile and go to their homepage.
4. Scroll down to the bottom.
5. One of the last options below the left hand side tool bar is "Remove From Friends"
6. Click on that link.
7. You will be asked to confirm
8. Click on yes
9. Your Done

An original post by


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