

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Loopt: How does it work

What is Loopt and how does it work?

Loopt was one of the first ever location-based services out there. Today we know that Foursquare gets all the hype but keep in mind that they have a little under 2 million members whereas loopt it as of today has over 4 million.

Loopt has finally got a boost with the new iOS4 model and this is because, the model loopt was built on was continues location updates. This however was not possible on the iPhone as it did not allow third party Apps to run continuously. The iOS 4 has changed all that and now the loopt model works flawlessly. Loopt also comes preloaded on almost all MetroPCS phones.

To get started you need to download the App onto your phone. 
You can check in to places you are visiting and even more if you stay signed in friends can see you on the move for the next 24 hours with the new iPhone. So you can check-in to places and share you location with your friends. You can add comments and share comments. Share you location across social networks so friends can see you on the go. 

There is loopt star. This will help you get real rewards the more you check into places. There is also loopt pulse specially designed for the iPad. Finally there's loopt Mix what this does it help you meet people in a new city or town your visiting. 

Loopt the location-based service helps you stay in touch with your friends and colleagues while your on the go. you can share your location info with friends and family and let everyone know where you are and places your visiting in real-time. It also helps you discover new places. Read reviews, view photos and get directions to restaurants, bars, movie theaters etc. If you visiting a new places you get all the geo-location services that you need to find your way around. Helpful travel insights and recommendations to must visit and see places. 
As with all other location-based services you get rewards for checking in to popular places. Try it now to get a feel.

Download loopt for the iPhone here. 

[Image courtesy loopt]

An original post by


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