

Monday, July 5, 2010

Online Friendship: You can now Rent A Friend

Need someone to go to the movies with you or join you for lunch. Well there is a new site that allows your to rent a friend in the US and Canada. www.RentAFriend.com allows you to do just that. Friendship is not free was a notion that is now being confirmed.

The website says that renting a friend will allows you to get new connections and broaden your friendship base. The site has now been online for about 6 months and already gets 100,000 hits a day.

The new age has us looking for friends and getting someone to go for Yoga class with you is now easy. if you can disburse $10 to $150 you get to choose from around 200,000 friends from around the US.

So if you are wondering who you're gonna take to that social event the next time. Login to rent a friend and choose someone.

An original post by


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