

Friday, July 16, 2010

#SocialNetwork hashtag on Twitter

#SocialNetwork is now a promoted trending topic on Twitter. The Hashtag created by Sony Pictures to promote the movie "The Social Network". The catch line for the movie is "You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies". They have now official released the teaser trailer and we have embedded it in this post for you to view. There is also an official website for the movie which can be found here

The movie is based on Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook and the movie takes you through the life of Facebook up until now. 

The 2-minute trailer proceeds to show the break down of Zuckerberg's relationship with his friend and purported co-inventor of Facebook, Eduardo Saverin (played by newly crowned Spiderman Andrew Garfield).

"You don't get 500 million friends without making a few enemies," the tag line reads.

"Social Network" also stars Justin Timberlake and Rooney Mara and is set for release on October 1.

An original post by


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