

Friday, July 9, 2010

#Welcome2Twitter Trend on Twitter

#Welcome2Twitter is a hashtag that is used to welcome new people to Twitter. There are several ways to use this hashtag to welcome people. Like one user says welcome to Twitter where every male is a rap star and every female a model. Another users says #Welcome2Twitter where people actually think they are celebrities based on their twitter follower account. Another users says the place where you can get anything you want.

yes the Hashtag #Welcome2Twitter is used to welcome new people to Twitter and also give them helpful advice and show them around. If you new here all this can help get you used to if nothing else the crowd at Twitter. people on Twitter are helpful and as they say themselves the place where you can get anything you want.

Welcome to Twitterverse.

Another user said "where people become whoever they wanna be thru a keyboard & 1 hell of a imagination!"

We hope this gives new users something of what to expect after joining Twitter

An original post by


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