

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What happens when you click on the Facebook Like button

When you click on the Facebook "Like" button across websites, pages, blogs and Facebook itself the following happens.

1. A message gets posted to your wall telling your friends you like this.
2. A message also appears in your news feed telling people you like this.
3. When your friends visit the same webpage, website, blog, pages and groups inside Facebook itself. There is a small message saying you like this and if the website r blog has enabled photos to appear there will be a photo of you there as well.

Is this something to be apprehensive about. Not at all, since you choose to like something open on the internet. The "Like" button is designed for people to share with their friends and if you would like to share something really easily then this is the way to go. All your friends get to know what you like and read or see videos that you have shared.

An original post by


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