

Friday, July 23, 2010

What to do if you are blocked from sending messages on Facebook

Facebook has a secret message sending limit. After which if you keep sending messages you account will be blocked from sending messages. This is done to prevent spam and if you are not spamming and just sending a lot of messages to your friends you have nothing to worry. For people who send too many messages the system will look at your account as a spam account. Since there is a certain limit to how many messages you can send. Spammers join Facebook, then add friends indiscriminately and then start sending messages to them all the time. 

Remember that Facebook as a platform and a company was created for friends to meet up. Facebook themselves say that they are not a website to meet new people as this has led to all kinds of unwanted problems. Facebook also blocks message sending from accounts if they believe that people on your friends list are being unnecessarily disturbed. 

These blocks can last from an hour to a few days. Depending on the volume of messages sent. Once your account has been blocked from sending messages you will need to wait it out before the feature is restored. Remember to proceed with caution after that because of you account keeps getting blocked from sending messages time and again. You Facebook account can get permanently deleted. 

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