

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Whats the difference between Facebook and Twitter

Let's start by saying that a lot of features from Twitter have been implemented on Facebook. This has been called the Twitterfication of Facebook. That said let's look at some of the key differences between the two. Facebook is for networking and cathing up with old friends. Facebook will also help you find your classmates from years ago. You can find all friends and family and you can all get together on Facebook and catch up.

Twitter was started with the question what are you doing?. Now the question has been changed to What's happening?. Well whatever be the question. People gather on Twitter and share news and talk about the latest happenings in the world today. Twitter is more for news addicts and people who are interested in sharing with any and everybody.
If you want to join social networking and all you want to do is hang around with your buddies online then Facebook is for you.
if you want to get involved in current events and activities around the world today then Twitter is for you.
Twitter is not a social network in that sense. Getting in touch with friends and family and sharing photos and videos. Twitter is very open and everything you say can be seen by everyone unless you want to have a protected profile and your Tweets are protected. People who are so concerned about privacy should not be on Twitter in the first place.

So bringing this brief post to a close it is safe to say Facebook is for friends and buddies. Twitter is for news and connections.


An original post by


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