

Thursday, July 29, 2010

YouTube increases upload limit to 15 minutes.

everyone who has uploaded video to YouTube or even tried to upload videos to YouTube know there is a 10 minute maximum limit on the length of the video you can upload. This restricted users to creating videos that were a maximum 10 minutes long. YouTube has announced via a official post that, that limit has now been extended. Users can now create videos that last for a maximum of 15 minutes. You can now truly get your own 15 minutes of fame on YouTube.

This comes as good news for all non-partners of YouTube. Partners are people who upload original content and therefore do not have the time restriction. Like TV shows and documentaries uploaded by the people who made them and they therefore have all the rights to the content. 

What's changed, Siegel said, is that YouTube can now handle longer videos because of an improved Content ID system, the YouTube technology that major movie studios, music labels and 1,000 other content owners use to manage their videos and block unauthorized versions.

Tag your video with “yt15minutes,” upload it by Wednesday, August 4, and YouTube will select a handful of people to truly gain their 15 minutes of fame by featuring them on the YouTube homepage in a future spotlight.

One final note: if you’re uploading a video that was previously rejected for being too long, you’ll have to go into “My Videos” and delete it before attempting to upload it again. Thanks and happy uploading!

An original post by


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