

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Facebook stories where users share their experiences

Well we have Facebook stories and we also have Twitter Tales. So, what's the difference between Facebook stories and Twitter tales. There is one fundamental difference, Facebook stories are stories users can share by simply using the "What's your story" form. People from all over the world have been using this. Twitter Tales are not so basic but actual stories of How Twitter has helped certain people or businesses. The intensity level is high and are stories that were personally submitted to Twitter. 

Facebook stories from around the world by Facebook users have their own stories to tell. It is really fascinating to read these stories by people from all ages and all walks of like. You can browse through user's stories either by geographic location or Themes. The Map that you find on Facebook Stories can be viewed either in 2D, 3D, Ariel or the Bird's eye view courtesy of Bing Maps. There are a whole lot of options to find specific users experiences that you might be looking for. The themes to look for stories are huge and as varied as you might like. From health to music to natural disasters. The whole gamut of human experiences can be found here. 

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