

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fanglies fresh updates

New updates to the Facebook game Fanglies
Faster energy regeneration
If there was one big complaint about Fanglies, is was the fact that energy regenerated so slow. You could only play for a short time before you were out of energy, and then you had to wait hours in order to actually be able to play again. Now, there are new energy drinks that players can send to each other that will help them get energy back. Also, Playdom has increased the regeneration time by a lot, and made it so that accumulating energy is much quicker now. We welcome this change for sure!

Sad Fanglies who need love

To make Fanglies feel even more like creatures who need tending, your Fanglies will now get sad if you're not logging in enough to see them. Indicators over their heads show when they're sad and need some love. You can make them happy by giving them food, or clicking the heart and giving them love.
Cookiedough's Bakery

There is now a buildable bakery that can be made by collecting materials from friends. For the antisocial or impatient, you can also buy all the parts for gems. This bakery allows you to make food from another building, instead of only from the stove in your house.
Neighbor interactions

Previously, in Fanglies you could only clear dust bunnies from your neighbor's homes. You can now fish, dig and clear weeds in your neighbor's homes too! While you still can't talk to them in there, at least now there is something more you can do than just stand around and look silly.

Item stacking

You can now stack items on top of other items, which makes for some neat creations in your house and your outdoor areas.

It's great to see games add things so quickly and react to player's concerns, especially when they're still new and things can change. Fanglies is a great game with a nice open-ended feel that gives players the option to choose what they want to do when they play. I personally find fishing in Fanglies to be very relaxing!
Play Fanglies on Facebook now >

[Article originally appeared on Games.com]

An original post by


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