

Saturday, August 7, 2010

FarmVille Garage Explained

Here are some helpful tips for the basics of this latest update from FarmVille. 

garages are used to store tractors, harvesters and seeders. You can also use the garage to upgrade your vehicles  helping you to farm faster than ever before. If you are at level 22 and above you can purchase a garage frame from the market for 50,000 coins. Building a garage is very similar to building a Japanese Barn. To begin construction you will need to collect 10 boards, 10 bricks and 10 nails. Once you have placed your garage from on your farm. You will need to click on look inside from the garage's menu. Doing so will open a page telling you what you need to complete your garage. Like any other constructible building you can collect materials either via the free gifts page the "ask for more" button" or with Farm Cash. 

From the free gifts page your neighbors will be able to send you one of the three types of building components to help you finish your garage. When neighbors send you a building component it works exactly like any other free gift. After you accept the gift it will appear in your gift box. Clicking the use button under the gift will automatically add it to your frame. When viewing the interior of the unfinished garage frame, each component that you haven't received 10 of has an "ask for more" button. Clicking on this will allow you to send requests to your friends letting them know you need this component. 

If while in the building process you decide you would rather just purchase the items required for building the garage. You can do so by simply click the "buy" button, under the garages menu. You can also click the "complete now" button to buy all the parts at once. 

Once the garage is complete it can hold up to 20 vehicles on your farm and unlocks the ability to upgrade your vehicles. Upgrading your vehicles will increase the amount of plots they effect. The higher level your vehicle is the higher number of plots it will interact with while farming. Currently the highest vehicle level is level 4. Upgrading your vehicles means you need more vehicle parts. Vehicle parts can be obtained from friends via the "ask for more" button or with farm Cash. 

Once you have all the parts you can open up your garages menu to select which vehicle you would like to apply them to. All vehicles stored in your garage can still be used as normal. At this point you can have only one garage on your farm and Biplanes cannot be stored in them due to technical reasons. 

An original post by


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