

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

FarmVille Hay Fever Farming Equipment

Hay Fever has gripped FarmVille and a whole new range of farming equipment has been released. Item include buggy, mower, rake, drill, cart, and poop cart. You can get all these farming equipment now. A list is provided below. Go to FarmVille now to get all these new available farming equipment. 

frontierville hay fever items

Blonde Buggy - 20 Wood, 9,500 Coins, 100 XP
Brown Buggy - 20 Wood, 9,500 Coins, 100 XP
Mower - 25 Horseshoes, 150 XP
Farm Rake - 5 Wood, 1,900 Coins, 20 XP
Bear Cart - 39 Horseshoes, 234 XP
frontierville hay fever items

Seed Drill - 8 Wood, 3,200 Coins, 32 XP
Hay Cart - 16 Horseshoes, 96 XP
Empty Hay Cart - 16 Wood, 15,000 Coins, 150 XP
Brown Poopcart - 25 Horseshoes, 150 XP
frontierville hay fever items

Green Poopcart - 25 Horseshoes, 150 XP
Yellow Poopcart - 25 Horseshoes, 150 XP
Pink Buggy - 55 Horseshoes, 330 XP
Black Buggy - 55 Horseshoes, 330 XP

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