

Monday, August 16, 2010

FarmVille Loading Placeholders

How to load Placeholders in FarmVille

When you add a great number of animals and items on a farm together with a slow internet connection or older computer it can take a bit of time for everything to load. This can create confusion as it can appear that a favorite animal or item has been lost on your farm when it really just needs more time to load.

In order to prevent any such confusion, and to make it clear where items are going to load, loading placeholders have been added to FarmVille.

If you look at the image below, you can see a number of circles on the farm that indicate where various animals and items will soon load into the game. These placeholders should be on your farm as everything loads into game, and go away when the proper artwork for your item is ready to go!

Once everything is loaded your farm will look and function as normal. Seeing placeholders when you first load FarmVille does not indicate that anything is wrong, and it will not change the placement or function of anything in the game. It’s just a simple way for you to be sure that things are where you left them while the items load individually.

[Via FarmVille Official Forums]

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