

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to adjust your Facebook Places privacy settings

You can now adjust your Facebook Places privacy settings. Which means you have the ability to check in the places and share you updates with either your friends everyone of just a select few. You also have the ability to allow others to tag you in Facebook places check in's or not allow them to do so. This is really important and means you need to do so immediately if you do not want to be bothered by some unwanted check-in later.

How to adjust your Facebook Places privacy settings.
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on Account
3. Click on Privacy settings
4. Click on Customize Settings

5.  Click the "Friends Only" drop down icon to set your privacy to who can view your Facebokk Places check in updated. You can select everyone, friends of friends, friends only or customize. If you select 'Customize' you have further options to select, as seen in the image below.

Here you can choose to make you check in status updates to specific people or only me. You also have the option to hide your check in updates from certain people by typing in their names and then clicking save.

6. Beside the Include me in "People Here Now" after I check in. Has a check box with a tick mark. If you do not want others to be able to tag you in Facebook Places check-in's you will need to click on it and the tick mark goes off. Click on save and from hereafter your friends and others will not be able to tag you in Facebook Places check-in updates. 
7. click save and your done.

If anything has been missed out please leave a comment.

An original post by


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