

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

PetVille Midnight Crypt

All new eerie decorations are here in PetVille. These new decorations have some really good Gothic styling to them and you can get floors walls, windows, TV set the whole works. You can use these to create an all new experience in PetVille. If the dusk them from Twilight was not enough for you. You now also need a crypt to bring out the Twilight theme in you. Users now even complain of not having enough rooms. Because every time a new themes comes out, players need to tear down a room to add the new decorations. The new decorations are superb however and will really make any room look like a vampire lives there. To get these new decorations you would need to go to the furniture store. Also these decorations are available for a limited time only. You have about 4 days left, so if you like dark themes, this one's for you. 

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