

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Treasure Isle Boats

New Boats in the Store 
There are eight (8) New Boats in the Store:
(i) Swan Boat: Cost 60 Island Cash, gives 360 XP & +3 Max Energy 
(ii) 3D Boat: Cost 60 Island Cash, gives 360 XP & +3 Max Energy 
(iii) Car Boat: Cost 50 Island Cash, gives 300 XP & +2 Max Energy 
(iv) Gondola: Cost 50 Island Cash, gives 300 XP & +2 Max Energy
(v) Mushroom Boat: Cost 50 Island Cash, gives 300 XP & +2 Max Energy
(vi) Rubber Ducky: Cost 35 Island Cash, gives 210 XP & +1 Max Energy
(vii) Egyptian Boat: Cost 35 Island Cash, gives 210 XP & +1 Max Energy
(viii) Paper Boat: Cost 35 Island Cash, gives 210 XP & +1 Max Energy

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