

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Video: HOPA Jenny Answers Your Questions

Everyone who has seen the slides of the girl who quiet her job after her boss installed a snitch, to see how everyone at the office was spending their time. Will know by now that those slides have become an internet meme. If you haven't seen the HOPA Slideshow click here. Well the thing is that it was a Hoax created by a website called "The Chive". Thanks to Facebook which sent a million viewers after people started sharing the page using Facebook's like button. 457,153 have clicked the like button till now and this number is not going to stop growing for sometime. TechCrunch TV met up with Elise (Heroin) and theChive co-founder, John Resig to discuss the whole thing in detail. Genius ideas we must say from the chive. They really know how to create an internet meme.

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