

Sunday, October 3, 2010

FarmVille mystery game helps you win a Backyard Pool and Trellis Swing

The FarmVille mystery game is still available in the marketplace. This game found under the click for specials tab brings you the game that everyone must be familiar with by now. The name of the game of course is named pop the balloons. All you need to do is to aim your dart and pop the balloons. Easy and simple, the thing however is the number of prizes you win for your backyard. The game does cost you 16 farm Cash to play and gives you great prizes including the Backyard Pool and Trellis Swing. So players wanting to win these special backyard items can do so now. This mystery game is not going to be along for too long and will be taken out of FarmVille soon. Playing pop the balloons stands you a chance to win 2 rare, 2 common and 2 uncommon gifts.

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