

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

#newtwitter trend on Twitter

#newtwitter is now trending on Twitter and that's because the new design has started rolling out to all users. New Twitter is a whole new look and feel and a re-engineered search engine. Handling over 1 billion queries a day parts of the Twitter search engine has been re-engineered to handle the load. The new search engine they say will be able to take the load for years to come.

New Twitter has a few differences from the old layout and you see your Tweets timeline on the left and on the right there has been a whole lot of space cleared up which shows you current trends. Clicking on a Twitter will bring up a pane which slides to the right and shows you the latest post and profile of the user. If the tweet contains a pic or a video that will open up on the pane on the right. There will be the standard user timeline but underneath each Tweet is additional information and even embedded media (videos/photos). If you click on an individual Tweet, a details pane will slide to the right to reveal this extra content.

This is what the folk @ Twitter have to say about the new Twitter.

You can find out more about the enhancements on this information page. Here are some highlights:

  • New design. The site has a cleaner timeline and a rich details pane that instantly adds more impact to individual Tweets while still maintaining the simplicity of the timeline. And, experience infinite scroll -- you no longer have to click “more” to view additional Tweets.

  • Media. Now, it’s easy to see embedded photos and videos directly on Twitter, thanks to partnerships with DailyBooth, deviantART, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, TwitVid, USTREAM, Vimeo, yfrog, and YouTube.

  • Related content. When you click a Tweet, the details pane shows additional information related to the author or subject. Depending on the Tweet’s content, you may see: replies, other Tweets by that user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and more.

  • Mini profiles. Click a username to see a mini profile without navigating from the page, which provides quick access to account information, including bio and recent Tweets.

An original post by


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