

Friday, October 22, 2010

The new Apple MacBook Air

Apple has launched the new MacBook Air a cross between an iPad and a MacBook. 1.7 cm at it's thickest point, available in 11 and 13 inch models. Both models have Duo2core  intel processors and Nvidia Geforce screen cards. Apple has also reveled the next version of the Mac the Lion OSX which supports multi-touch but only with a mouse. Apple does not plan to manufacture touch screen computers. The Mac will also get it's own applications store inspired by the success of the iPad and iPhone's iTunes store. Thus paid and free applications will be available at a single click. lion OSX will be launched in the summer of 2011.

The new MacBook Air also has FaceTime software that was released on the iPhone 4. This application available in beta allows people to video chat via computer to computer or computer to iPhone. 

Battery backup is also phenomenal with the 11 inch model getting  5 hours of power and the 13 inch model getting 7 hours of power. The MacBook Air is also built around all-flash storage for better responsiveness and reliability. The trackpad comes with full multi-touch support.

Check out the below video which is a guided tour to the new MacBook.

Check out the new MacBook Air here. 

An original post by


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