

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chit Chat as Facebook Chat download

Chit Chat for Facebook has been built to function as a Desktop Facebook IM. As such if you like to use IM as a primary method to chat with friends, then Chit Chat is for you. With Chit Chat IM for Facebook you can talk to all your FB friends and comes with all features available to IM clients. You can start a conversation from where you last left off with friends. Features include chat history, text formatting and emoticons. Download chat chat to chat with your Facebook friends without the need to open Facebook. As with all other desktop IM you can minimize your App and still get notified when you receive a new message. The all important feature that many users cannot get while chatting using the chat provided by Facebook.com, starting old conversations from where you left off. It also has a swift and fast tabbed chat interface allowing you to talk with many Facebook friends at once. So download Chit Chat now to try it out. Downloading it is quick and easy. Helps you stay connected and chat with all your Facebook friends without having to login to Facebook with your browser. Works only with Windows. 

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