

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to become popular on Facebook via your updates

FB's data team put together a lot of information and have come out with charts and info on how to become popular on the site. There are a lot of explanations given on what makes some users popular, has to do with updates of course. To analyze a person's status updates popularity about 1 million updates were pulled and analyzed. All updates were from US English speaking users. They started with a correlation between age and popularity. Younger people tend to have more negativity and older users updates were longer and also used more presuppositions and articles. Timing was also looked at the data team found that there seemed to be more positive updates in the morning. Well, comes as no surprise.

Here comes the important part, your popularity depends on what your friends like. If a user updates his status with something that is liked by friends, then there are more likes on that status and bring in more readers, since friends of friends will also read the update. " Birds of a feather flock together", becomes very true as people reading things they generally like seem to follow others with same interests. 

So whenever you write a status update it is no longer about you. It becomes more about your friends and what they like. The more "Likes" and comments your status gets the more popular you will eventually become.The more the work "I" and "first person pronouns" are used the more comments the update gets. Negative emotions also tend to get a lot of comments. Comments related to religion and sleeping attract fewer comments.

[Source: FB Data]

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