

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to expand your land in CityVille

How to Expand Your Land

Here is a brief guide on how to expand your land in CityVille. Found on official CityVille forums.
1. Click the “build” tab

2. Click the “expansions” tab

Note: You will need permits to build your expansion(s). You can get the permits from neighbors or buy them with City Cash. Once the permits are obtained, you will also need the city coins to pay for the land.

3. Choose where you want to place your expansion. You must place it along an existing edge of your city limits.

4. Confirm the expansion if it is where you want it. Deny it if the expansion is not where you want it.

These steps must be done for each time you wish to expand your city limits.


An original post by



  1. Mine has all the permits and still wont expand wants me to spend all my money as well. So its not free!!!

  2. Yeah!! Definitely here you have shared worthwhile information on the topic how to expand CityVille land. I liked it. Thanks for sharing
