Taking a screenshot.
Step 1:
For best results, go into full screen by clicking on the "Full Screen" button.
(click the image to play the video)
Step 2:
Press the print screen button on your keyboard:
If you were in full screen hit Esc on your keyboard or click on the "Full Screen" button again, otherwise go to the next step.
Step 3:
Click on the windows start button, go to programs, accessories, then select "Paint".
(click the image to play the video).
Step 4:
Once the program is up on your screen go to edit, then select "paste".
(click to play video)
Step 5 (optional for resizing):
Once you see the image on your screen you can edit it, I would recommend resizing it, as that would make your image easier to view on the forums.
(click to play video)
Step 6:
Once you are done editing save your image.
(click to play video)
Here is a quick guide for how to do the above on a Mac (please skip this part of you're not using a Mac). To capture the entire desktop, press Command-Shift-3. The screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop. To capture a portion of the desktop, press Command-Shift-4. A cross-hair cursor will appear and you can click and drag to select the area you wish to capture. When you release the mouse button, the screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop. (The file is saved as PDF in Mac OS 10.3 and earlier.) (taken from about.com)
Uploading a screenshot.
Now that you have a saved image you are ready to upload it. There are many hosting sites and you are welcome to use whichever you like best. In this tutorial we will be using tinypic, it's free and you do not have to register. I personally use photobucket, for which you do have to register, but you can then set-up privacy controls.
Step 1:
Go to tinypic.com (or another image hosting site). Click on "choose file" navigate to your file (usually in pictures), click on "open", then click on "Upload Now" (you might have to enter a captcha).
Step 2
Once your file is uploaded, you will be presented with links to copy to your post. You want to copy (right click and copy) the one that starts with [IMG].
(click the image to play the video)
To insert that link into your post just right click on your post and select "paste".
This concludes our screenshot taking tutorial, I hope it was easy to follow.
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