

Monday, December 6, 2010

PetVille Stocking Design Contest

The Winter Holiday Design-a-Stocking Contest is on. Get ready to see a lot of Xmas themed contests on PetVille and other Zynga games on Facebook. Christmas is already in the air and you can now feel it on the games you play.

The Rules:

  • One design entry per person. You may submit up to 3 images of your single design in a single post.

  • You must post your entry to this thread. Please see this guide on how to post images.

  • You can submit your designs as a digital image that you created using paint or other design program, a scanned or digital photo of a home made stocking or even ASCII art.

  • The submitted design must be owned and created by you. "Borrowing" other people's designs is grounds for disqualification. Copywritten characters are NOT allowed under any circumstances.

  • Disqualified entries may be removed from the submission thread.

  • No insulting or making negative comments about other contest entries, this will not be allowed and may result in the disqualification of your entry.

  • All entries must be posted in this thread by: December 10, 2010 at 12:00 PM (PST)

The Prizes:

  • 1st Place - 100 PetCash and your design, credited to you, will be showcased in the store.

  • 2nd Place - 75 PetCash and your design, credited to you, will be showcased in the store.

  • 3rd Place - 50 PetCash and your design, credited to you, will be showcased in the store.

* Please be aware that Facebook images may not post here on the forums depending on your set permissions. We recommend uploading all images to an image host such as imageshack or Jing.

Selection of Winners:
  • After all of the entries are collected by our team we will be posting our Top 10 Choices for the community to vote on. Then we will be making the 3 Winning Stockings!

Source: Zynga Forums

An original post by


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