

Monday, January 3, 2011

How to delete photos I've been tagged in on Facebook

Remember the saying what happens on vacation stays on Facebook. Well many disasters can be avoided by timely action. There have been many photos and videos people have been tagged in that has actually cost them their jobs. People we are connected with are from all walks of life. Some people on your friend list might by you co-workers while one of them might be your boss, your connected with family and pretty much everyone you know in life. While a friend of yours might tag you for fun in a an embarrassing photo or video, it might be watched by your co-workers and your boss and actually land you in trouble. By now I think you get the point.

How to remove a a tag from a photo or video you've been tagged in

1. Find the photo or video you wish to remove the tag from
2. Below the photo you find a link (Remove Tag)
3. Click that
4. Your done.

How to hide/Remove a photo or video you have been tagged in.

1. Hover the tagged photo you wish to hide or remove.
2. A small 'X' should appear in the upper right hand corner of the photo which you need to click
3. After you click the X button, Facebook will display a confirmation message. Asking if you would like to hide photo. You need to click it. After you do so, people will only be able to see it if they go to your photos menu and have the right permissions. 

This way you can stop bad photos tagged with you from appearing on your main home page.

The best way to prevent anything bad happening is to adjust your photos and videos I'v been tagged in settings.

How to adjust your photos and videos tagged in settings.

1. Log into Facebook
2. Click on Account
3. Click on Privacy Settings
4. Beside Photos and videos I' tagged in click on edit settings.


5. Here you can choose everyone, friends of friends, friends only or find further options by clicking on custom. If you choose friends only, then photos and videos tagged by you can be seen by friends only. This logic applies for all other options.

6. If you click on Custom where only you get to see photos and videos you've been tagged in. You can also choose to make it visible to certain people or hide it from certain people. Please choose your options carefully and remember to click save when your done.

The safest way to prevent a disaster on FB is to be safe and set your tagged in settings to "only me" this way you prevent others from seeing a photo that should not have found it's way to Facebook. This also prevents others from tagging you wrongly and sharing something that is better kept only among friends.

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