

Friday, February 4, 2011

#demandaljazeera How Al Jazeera is using Twitter to get onto US cable TV Networks

Al Jazeera has been at the center of all thats been happening in Egypt and now the news channel has started using Twitter to promote itself. What they want is to convince American cable TV networks to now start broadcasting their English news channel. Although we see news and a lot of videos on the going-ons in Egypt a lot of that comes from their media coverage. They have also said that 50% of all traffic coming to their live stream is coming from the US. A spokesperson for the news network has said that they have come up with innovative ways to broadcast their news in Egypt, pamphlets have been distributed when their broadcast signal went down and these pamphlets had the latest news for people to follow. 

This according to Niemanlab.org
When people couldn’t tune in because their broadcast signal went down, Al Jazeera distributed pamphlets with the latest updates and information about alternate ways to access its news coverage. It also published phoned-in reports using Scribble Live and Audioboo. Online staffs, Minty said, have been using Storify internally to curate and keep track of citizen videos and other social content. (And as many noted last week, the network has also offered up some of its coverage through Creative Commons.)

Now the company is again on Twitter and promoting itself to people around the world. #demandaljazeera is now trending no1 on worldwide trending topics.
To watch their live stream please head over here
And now there is a meetup being organized by Al Jazeera for US viewers on Feb 10, 2011. If you would like to find your nearest location please click here. The News Agency is also busy organizing other meetups across the globe.

An original post by


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