

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Google has teamed up with Twitter to make sure peoples voices in Egypt are heard

As the final internet connections disappear in Egypt, people can still send their message out. Google acquired SayNow a company that can convert voice to Tweet. Users can now call in their messages which get converted into a Tweet and broad casted on Twitter. The last remaining ISP provider, Noor Group has also been abruptly disconnected.

 Numbers to use to call into the SayNow service: +16504194196; +390662207294; and +97316199855.The message is then sent out as a tweet with the hashtag #egypt. People can listen to messages by dialling the same phone numbers (+16504194196 , +390662207294, +97316199855).The service will be very useful for people to communicate as no internet connection is required.

People need to call into these numbers and their voice messages are then Tweeted. With the Government ban on internet people are turning to old technologies to get their message across like dial-up modem connections, ham radios and Fax machines. Anything to get their message out to the world.

So people remember those old modems your stacked away, one day they just might come in handy. They use your phone connections and can be very useful in some ways.

An original post by


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