

Monday, February 14, 2011

How to Tweet a Celebrity on Twitter

A lot of people especially those who are new to Twitter always want to know if it's possible to send a tweet directly to a celebrity, or better still how to send a direct message to a celebrity. Well, the direct message or DM on twitter can be used only between two people who are already following each other. Therefore it is impossible to send a direct message to someone who you are following and not vice versa. So is it possible to send a Tweet directly to a celebrity the answer is no, Unless of course the celebrity is also following you.

tweet a celebrity
So what other options are available, well you can always Tweet on the Twitter public timeline and use the @ feature. Just Tweet on Twitter and use the @ celebrity username and when they check their @ mentions they will be able to view people's tweets that mention them. Well there is also the possibility that 1000s of people are already mentioning them in their tweets and the possibility of seeing each tweet mentioning them becomes almost impossible. You can always try your luck though.

You can also reply to one of their Tweets, use the reply button and send out your message. So it's safe to say there are two ways find their Twitter username and then use the @username and tweet your message or simply reply to one of their tweets.  So use the @mentions, you could also Retweet a celebrity's tweet, if it's something you want to.

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