

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What happens when you click the Facebook Like button.

The Facebook 'Like' button has undergone numerous changes and is now likely to replace the Facebook 'Share' button. The FB team has revealed that priority is now being given to the like button and altough support will still be provided to the share button, its the like button thats will get all the updates and support. Things change in the social media scene and so right now it is safe to say that this is where it's headed.

So here's what happens when you click the Facebook Like Button. A full story with a headline, blurb and thumbnail will be posted to your wall. With the option to comment on the story link. Previously when users click the like button a link to the story would appear on their recent activity list. The new button changes this in that it will post directly to your wall.

This now clears things up as users can now know what happens exactly when you click either of the buttons. This is a good move for those people who run blogs and websites because getting users to click on their 'Like' button will definitely result in more traffic.

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