

Monday, July 25, 2011

Apply with LinkedIn: What it is and how does it work

Apply with LinkedIn is a button companies can use on their personal sites which show current vacancies. The button can be added beside a open job and applicants can apply for that job using their LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn profiles are standard and easy to browse through. Companies will not have a problem as everyone is used to LinkedIn profiles and familiar with how they work. The button 'Apple with LinkedIn' is like the Twitter Tweet button on the Facebook like button. It can be embedded anywhere across the web and the company hopes to make this the standard button to help companies connect with job applicants directly. Currently many of the large companies have a long registration process before you can apply for job they advertise on their sites. This is apart from the many job portals across the internet and various countries. This one button has the power to change everything as the chances of this becoming the standard apply for a job button might become the standard. 

1. How does it work
Companies can add this button beside jobs currently being advertised. Applicants can apply directly from here using their LinkedIn profile. Once a job applicant click on the 'Apply With LinkedIn' button. They can then ask for a referral from their contacts at the company. You can also keep a track of the jobs you apple for using the 'Saved Jobs' tab in LinkedIn. Before clicking send you can make further modifications like choosing which phone number you want to apply with. 

2. For Companies customizations include:

The ability to customize branding to make “Apply with LinkedIn” feel like part of your company’s talent pipeline.
The ability to manage submissions better by routing applications to everything from an jobs@yourcompany.com email address to a URL for a full fledged web application.
Integration with some of the most popular Applicant Tracking Systems on the market

Receive an email with a brief summary of each applicant. Automatically enter candidate information into company tracking systems. 

To get the code and start now please click here. LinkedIn is calling this new feature 'Then power of LinkedIn everywhere'.

An original post by


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