

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blogger and Picasa to be rebranded under Google+

image credit: thechromesource

The popular blogging platform 'Blogger' and the photo site 'Picasa' both of which belong to Google after being acquired from their founders are to be rebranded. Google+ is still in private invite mode but should go public on the 31st of July according to many reliable sources on the internet. Picasa the photo sharing website was acquired by Google in 2004 and Blogger was acquired by Google in 2003. Both websites are very popular and Blogger is the premium blogging destination on the web.

So, instead of renaming their products to fit in with the release of Google+, Google has simply chosen to rebrand it with their own name. They are a highly respected company and these two very important sites will now carry the Google name. Picasa will be rebranded at 'Google Photos' and Blogger will be renamed 'Google Blogs'.

This is significant because it looks like Google is going to go all out social with the release of Google+. All important products will be branded under the Google+ umbrella and therefore easily accessible from one destination. Google definitely wants all the users of it's various services to come together and therefore their combined weight will move thing in the direction Google wants their new social network to go. Wonder why the same has not been done to YouTube. Would have expected the name change to be 'Google Videos'. Please use the comments section below to share your views. 

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