

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Google+ How to move people from one circle to the other

You have setup all your circles in Google+ but notice that some people are in the wrong place and you would like to move them around. Circles on Google Plus are always changing, as people make adjustments constantly. For power users the nature of each circle also might change over time. The time comes for you to move one people from one circle to the other. Google+ does not yet offer a way to this automatically, you would can move people between circles but they remain in the old circle. Which means you need to go back to that circle and remove them from there.

How to move people between circles
1. Login to Google+
2. Click on circles
3. You see a dashboard with the names of all your friends and a list of circles below that.
4. Simply drag and drop from the dashboard to the circle. You can move multiple contacts by highlighting and number of people. To highlight simply click on the contact and don't move. This way you can move multiple contacts together.

How to remove contacts from the old circle
Since it is not automatic once you move contacts they also remain in the old circles. So you will not have to remove them from that circle.
1. Click on that circle
2. Click on the names of the people you would like to remove. You can select multiple contacts by clicking on each and highlighting them.
3. The click on 'remove' found on top of the list of people.
4. Confirm and you're done.

An original post by



  1. I always wondered how you can drag all people from one circle to another circle, and now I know the answer: it's impossible! You have to write down who is in that circle and then manually select them on the circles page using the list with people. It's annoying and user-unfriendly... :-(

  2. there's no move. only copy
