

Friday, July 22, 2011

Google+ Stream privacy settings and how to use it

Google+ stream the place where you can share and update your status with a photo, movie, link or just about anything has some interesting privacy settings. This is the place you can use to share with multiple circles or just one circle or you can also enter names of people you are connected with to share. In the sharing stream you can share photos, videos and links and chose to add your location. The interesting thing is whenever you want to cancel a share or any other particular step you are involved in you can click the (X) button at any time and cancel whatever you were doing.

When you use Stream in Google+ these are the settings attached to help you.
1. You can edit you post at any time
2. Delete the post
3. Link to this post
4. Disable comments
5. Disable reshare

to do all of the above simple hover over the right-hand side of the post and click the small drop-down arrow. This will give you option on whether you want to disable comments and disable reshare. This is an option that many users will activate on post that they want to remain among a private group of friends. Hope this answers the question on how to disable comments and resharing on Google plus posts.

When you clock on the textbox in your stream you will get the following options
1. + Add circles or people to share with
2. When you click it you have the options to specific circles, all your circles, extended circles and public. 

You can choose specific circles by checking the box next to a particular circle. To share with all your circles just click on 'your circles' and it should take care of it. Same thing would apply for extended circles. You can choose to share with a combination of the above. You can choose to share with one of your circles and extended circles that are a part of it. To share with all the options you would need to click on all. If you choose 'Public' in your stream this share will then be posted to your public profile. The important thing to remember here is that you have all the options to use at your discretion. 

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