

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to delete Google+ account

This is a simple guide on how to delete your Google+ account with disrupting or effecting your other Google account like Gmail, Picasa and Blogger. Basically just delete Google+ and continue using all other Google services without any disruption. This is not to say that people are deleting their accounts but for information purposes only.

1. login to Google+
2. Click on options
3. Click Google+ settings
4. Click on Account overview
5. Under Services click on 'Delete profile and social features'
6. Click on Radio button next to ' Delete Google+ Content'
7. All the details of the action are then shown below
8. Click on Checkbox next to 'Required'
9. Click on button 'Remove selected services'
10. You're Done

Check the video below for more details info.

An original post by


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