

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to protect and secure you Google account by using a 2-step verification process

With all the news of hacking these days it seem it is better to take extra precautions to keep your account secure. Especially if you travel around a lot and need to access your Google accounts from various computers located in different places. It does not take a professional hacker to get access to your account. Someone with a simple firefox extension called firesheep can capture your login details. 

By using the Google 2-step verification program you ensure that whenever you login from a different computer other than the one you permanently use, you will need to first enter a code sent on your mobile phone, then your password before you gain access to your account. This ensure that if someone gains access to your account and wants to login via a machine that Google knows is not the one you use, they will need to get the code sent yo your mobile phone before they can enter into your account. This ensure that even if by some slightest chance someone gets your login details they will still not be able to gain access to your Google accounts. To keep your Google accounts safe and secure please click here. The good part about the process is that you can also add backup information in case your phone is unavailable. 

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