

Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to recognize websites that look like Twitter but are actually not

There are many websites that are actually phishing websites that look just like Twitter but are not. Many users have logged in and fallen pray to phishing sites. Phishing is much like fishing where the fisherman uses a hook to entire fish to take a bite while inside what seems like food is a hook. Phishing sites operate much the same way by masquerading as legitimate sites but hidden inside is a hook to rob users personal and sensitive data, including bank account numbers. On Twitter however phishing scams trick users into providing their login details and then use the account to send spam to all the uses followers and cause havoc. 

There are a few key pointers to help you not to fall for a phishing scam on Twitter.
Always make sure you are on Twitter before logging in. www.twitter.com 

and not

2. Always use https when using Twitter

To do so you can go to your settings page on Twitter and check the box next to 'Always Use HTTPS'. This will help improve security on Twitter and better protect your information. Do this especially on a public WiFi setting where people can eavesdrop on your account. 

3. Twitter will never email you or Direct Message (DM) you asking for your password. If you get a DM or a message asking for your login details you can be sure that you are being tricked.

An original post by


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