

Monday, July 25, 2011

Now Michael Phelps has a Weibo account

Image Crdit: Phelps Twitter Account
Michael Phelps is in Shanghai for the world 2011 swimming championships this weekend. He does not appear to be the best and that distinction goes to another free spirit who goes by the name of Ryan lochte. Phelps is on Twitter and Facebook where he keeps in touch with his fans, friends and followers. He is a frequent Twitter user as can be sen from his account. Since landing in China he was under the impression that he would not be able to use these social networking sites that have been banned in China. Apparently not so and since landing he has been tweeting constantly. Chinese fans have been using roundabout  methods to be able to read his tweets. He connected to Facebook and Twitter and found that he had access and just kept on tweeting, in addition to that he also has a weibo account.

We have already written about weibo which is a Chinese micro-blogging site much like Twitter. It has been built along the lines of Twitter and is huhgely popular in China. In fact some of Hollywood's biggies already have weibo account to reach out to this Chinese fans. In fact Tom Hanks has a weibo account and following him was Emma Watson. Phelps has earned himself a lot of Chinese fans who can now follow what he says on weibo.

Follow Michael Phelps on Twitter
Follow Ryan Lochte on Twitter

An original post by


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