

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What are extended circles in Google+

when you want to share an update via your Google+ stream you also see the option asking if you would like your update to be shared with your extended circles. These are people not in your circles but are connected to you one step away from the people who you know. Extended circles include people who are friends of your friends and are a part of your friends circles although not connected to you. Not as yet anyway.

To understand this fully let's look at an example. let's say Tim is in one of your circles and Susan is in one of Tim's circles. You however do not know Susan and she is not in any of your circles.  If Tim chooses to have Susan visible on his profile among the people in her circles and you choose to share with your extended circles. Your content could appear in both Tim and Susan's streams. 

Extended circles are also what Google+ users to suggest friends for you.

An original post by


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