

Saturday, July 30, 2011

What are 'Twitter Timely Tweets' and how do they work

Twitter has introduced anew feature called 'Timely Tweets', which is basically Tweets that users will be able to see on top of their or near the top of their timeline. These tweets will scroll through users's timelines and will appear only once. Twitter has promoted this service saying it is a way for users to be able to get their news first-hand and on time, as it breaks. These tweets will be from organizations users follow or might not follow. 

This is seen as a way for Twitter to make some money and in the process of doing so will infuse into users's timelines tweets from select organizations. Twitter has already announced their initial partners in this project. 

 Best Western, Dell, Gatorade, Groupon, HBO, JetBlue, LivingSocial, Microsoft Xbox, Red Bull, Sephora, Starbucks, Summit Entertainment’s “50/50”, TNT and Virgin America among others — with more to come soon. During this phase, you may also see Promoted Tweets in your timeline from non-profit organizations you follow, including charity: water, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Room to Read, The American Red Cross and Water.org.

Users will see the new promoted tweet and will be able to follow the account right from their timeline. This feature has an interesting part to it, for one you do not need to search for official accounts to follow as Twitter will ensure it's in your timeline. Also a lot of the Trending Topics when clicked on will also point to official accounts related to the trend. it can be helpful and sometimes might actually annoy users. It has been billed as 'Easy to see' which does have a lot of truth to it as you are able to find official and related accounts much more easily than having to search for it. This might be a win win situation both for Twitter and all it's users. Users find info much more easily with information and news breaking real-time in their accounts and Twitter makes some money. With a feature like this organizations can break news on Twitter without the help of traditional media likes newspapers as they can point to their own sites and videos. 

What do you think please reply with comments and suggestions. 

Source: Twitter Blog

An original post by


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