

Friday, July 15, 2011

What happens when you block someone on Google+

So what happens when you block someone on Google+. Google plus does give us the answer as to what happens when you block someone on Google plus. Here is a list of things that will happen.

1. You won't see their content in your stream

2. They will not be able to comment on your content

3. They will be removed from your circles

4. They will still be able to see your public posts

5. They will not receive an email regarding these changes

6. You can unblock them later

7. They will not be able to mention you in posts or comments

8. They will not be able to chat with you in other Google properties like Gmail etc


You will still be a appear in their circles since not appearing will mean you have blocked that person. As of now on Google+ when you block someone they will not appear in your circles but you still appear in theirs. 

How to block someone on Google+

1. Click on their profile

2. Scroll down below their profile and just under their circles you will find the link 'Block Person'

3. Click in and confirm that you indeed want to block them

4. You're done


You could also

1.Go to circles

2. Click on the circle that has the person in it

3. Click on the person's profile

4. Click on 'More Actions'

5. Click on Block

6. You're done

What happens if someone you have blocked tries to add you to a Google+ Circle
They will not be able to do so and will receive a message that they have been blocked. 

Please use the comments section to continue the discussion.



  1. Its ridiculous that blocking someone still allows them to view your public posts... and therefore your whereabouts.... surely blocking someone is as much about not wanting them to know stuff about you as much as you about them...

  2. Anonymous said... Its ridiculous that blocking someone still allows them to view your public posts...

    But blocking them from seeing your public posts would be futile as all they would need to do is logout and create a new google+ account with a pseudonym and look at your posts with that.

  3. Even though you block the person, they are still able to see all your status updates... which should not be the case... Is there a way to remove yourself from their circle, and avoid them to follow you?

  4. How can you tell if you both blocked each other? I blocked a few people. I can still search and find the profiles of 2 and I can see that I blocked the 2 people. However, I cannot find the 3 person when I search for the person unless I unblock the person. Does this mean that the other person also blocked me?

  5. If you post things to public, it doesn't matter if you block them. They can make a new profile and see it that way. If you'd rather a complete stranger know what you are doing it shouldn't matter if a blocked person can see it. Keep private things in the right circles and it won't reach your blocked profiles.
