

Monday, July 11, 2011

What is Weibo and how does it work

lately there have been some high profile American starts joining the Chinese microblogging site weibo. Weibo.com is a Twitter styled website built in China and catering to all Chinese speaking people. The site already has 140 million  users and growing, akin to a hybrid of Twitter and Facebook is has already become one of the most popular sites in China. 

The site is availbale in simplified and traditional Chinese characters. The site also has version catering to users from Malaysia, Hong kong and Taiwan. The growth of the service has now induced the same celebrities that made Twitter popular to now start using Weibo. If all reports are to be believed Emma Watson has joined the service after high-profile star Tam Hanks did. This is a logical thing to do if stars are to reach out to this growing number of fans in Chinese speaking countries. All this coming at a time when Google has launched their Social Networking site and drawing users away from Twitter and Facebook.

Some differences you will note is that the Chinese site does not stick to the 140 character limit the way Twitter does. Once you reach the site you see a timeline with the latest Tweets and a list of interesting people to follow. The Chinese site also boasts of a large number of celebrities who have joined the site. Chinese sites are growing in popularity and cannot be ignored, especially with the large fan base they have and an ever increasing interactive audience. 

An original post by


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