

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What to do if your Facebook account has been taken over and being used to send spam

This might have happened to you or at-least someone you know. Your Facebook account gets hacked and and taken over and a lot of spam starts being sent from that account. Many of our friends wake up one morning to find to their horror that they fb account has been taken over and being used to send spam and the embarrassing thing is that it keeps posting on friends walls. Sometimes with vulgar and obscene images. This happens to be one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to a Facebook user. 

These sort of attacks are quiet frequent and many users have suffered from them. The good news is that you do not loose your account and a few simple steps will secure your account again.

What to do if your Facebook starts sending Spam

If your account has been taken over and used to send spam, you should follow these steps immediately:

Reset your Facebook password. You can do this by clicking the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page or by going to the Account Settings page once logged in.

If you can’t reset your password because the email address you use to log in has changed, or if your account has been disabled.

Make sure you have up-to-date security software on your computer, run a scan, and remove any malicious files. If you don’t do this, and your computer is infected, your account may be taken over again.

If a friend’s account has been taken over and used to send spam, you should follow these steps immediately:

Tell your friend to check out this Page and follow the steps above.

Warn those who received the spam not to click on it, and to delete it from their Walls and Inboxes.

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