

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yahoo Clues: How to know what people are searching for on Yahoo

Yahoo! have released what is know as Yahoo Clues which will solve the shrouded mystery. What are people searching for on Yahoo. It is really interesting to know what exactly people use yahoo for and what is the search engine used to search for. It is also interesting to note that from the results you will also be able to know which sites are popular with the search engine. Yahoo Clues have a very easy and simply interface and you can now see what is trending on Yahoo. Celebrities it seems is quiet popular or should we say very popular. The interesting fact over here is that search engines themselves are used for various purposes, and it seems very likely you can discover the differences while looking at what is trending on different search engines.

With yahoo Clues you can now find out which celebrities get the most Buzz, find out how people search, find the most popular search terms and compare trends between search terms. Want to know what the world is searching for Yahoo, Check it out now.

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