

Thursday, August 25, 2011

CityVille Dam Guide - Everything you need to know

CityVille have launched the Dam and it is know as a 'Dam Good Time'. This is part of the official guides released by CityVille.

It's time to introduce some hydroelectric power to your cities and increase your maximum energy by up to 7 points!

Benefits of having a Dam

  • When you supply the Dam it will increase your maximum energy by +1 (up to 37 total maximum energy)

  • Cool new and unique structure!

Summary FAQ

  • Q: How can I receive the Dam?
    A: You will receive the quest "Power Your City" when you reach level 50.

  • Q: Where can I place the Dam?
    A: You will see a green square highlighting the area with a yellow arrow pointing to it.

  • Q: How often can I supply my Dam to receive energy?
    A: Once every 12 hours.

  • Q: How long can I wait once it's ready to be supplied again?
    A: You have 24 to supply the Dam once it's ready to be supplied, after that your energy bonus will reset.

  • Q: What is the maximum bonus energy that can be received by supplying the Dam?
    A: The maximum bonus is +7, which would increase your total maximum energy to 37.

  • Q: What happens when I supply the Dam and I'm already at 37 maximum energy?
    A: You will maintain your maximum energy at 37.

  • Q: What happens if I miss a day?
    A: You will lose one bonus energy; for example, if you got your total maximum energy to 35, and you missed one day, it will go down to 34. Please keep in mind that your total energy will never fall below 30, by missing a day of supplying your Dam you can only lose 1 point of the bonus energy you already received.

Part 1: Building your Dam

  1. Once you receive the quest to build the Dam, click on the quest icon to bring up the quest requirements.

  2. Clicking on the "Place" button will show you where to place the Dam:

    Note: You will have to expand on the left side of the river to where you have to place the Dam, expanding on the right side is not necessary; in fact, once you place the Dam, you will get some land for free!

  3. After placing your Dam, click on it to bring up a list of the items needed to start constructing it.

  4. Once you have gathered all the materials, click on the "Start Building" building button to continue construction.

  5. Finishing your Dam will require 15 energy, but once you complete it you will receive 31 energy bolts!

    Note: If you remove the Dam after placing it, but before you finish it's construction, it will go back into you inventory and you will lose any progress you have made. Removing the Dam once you have finished building it is not possible.

Part 2: Using your Dam

  1. Now that you have your very own energy Dam, supply it daily to increase your total maximum energy by up to 7 points! Click on the Dam to supply it with 400:

  2. And watch your maximum energy increase by 1!

  3. Your Dam will be ready for more goods 12 hours after you supply it. Once it's ready, make sure to supply it within 48 hours to keep your energy bonus. You can hover over the Dam to see how much time you have left to resupply it.

Supply your Dam every day for the maximum reward!

An original post by


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